Aligned AF Academy Presents:

Leading the PROJECTOR Way


Creating a Sacred Space and Community for Projectors to Be Seen, Recognized and Valued for Their Value and Wisdom

3-Month Container + Sacred Space



Why is it so important?


Projectors hold the energy template for the world. You see the potential for humanity and how we can evolve, collectively. 

As an Oracle and wise Sage, you are here to guide us into the meaningful work that will shift consciousness to a more expansive, empowered, and embodied way of living. 

Warriors Igniting Transformational Change + Healing


That's right ... you are a WITCH, my friend, and your innate wisdom is pure magic. And it's time for you to be seen.

I'm curious ... how did it feel to to be consider a witch? Were you triggered a little or did you feel a deep resonance and knowing?

As a Projector, you likely have either felt like people have made you out to be their savior or that they have demonized you and wanted to 'burn you at the stake' for not being who they wanted you to be. In what ways have you experienced that for yourself?

Unfortunately, that leaves most Projectors thinking that something is wrong with them. Perhaps, you have thought that, too ...

I assure you that nothing could be further from the truth. Just because you've been misunderstood, not recognized for your gifts, not fully seen, or valued for the wisdom you have, this doesn't mean anything is wrong with you or that you are broken.

It actually means that it's time to flip the script. It's time to shine a light on the brilliance of YOU. It's time for you to be invited in to share your sage wisdom in order to guide us to our greater potential and higher evolution. We need your leadership.


This Projector Leadership Mastermind Is My Invitation to YOU.

Your Investment for this 3-Month Mastermind


(payment plan option in checkout)

What you'll receive:

  • A sacred, safe, intimate container to be full seen, valued, and activated into the fullness of who you truly are
  • An engaging, dynamic, powerful live mastermind call to spark rich discussion and application learning from each other
  • Recorded training sessions on Human Design fundamentals from a Projector's perspective in how you work, rest, and play best, and in how you lead best
  • 1:1 calls with Candy for greater integration for real-life application each month
  • Private training portal & group community for ongoing discussion &  support
  • Additional resources & tools to support you as a Projector and as a visionary leader

(replays will be available - lifetime access)

I'm in 100% ... Sign Me Up!

Your Unique Energetic Blueprint

It's not about who you are. It's about how you are.


I have spent the last 6 years in master-level study to gain a deep comprehension of both Human Design & Gene Keys.

In addition, I have been in practice and studying the Quantum Human Design System (an enlightened, expansive and more embodied language of Human Design), as well. 

As such, I am able to lead you through the navigation of your own unique Human Design chart by:

  • Identifying your natural superpowers, gifts + innate wisdom
  • Helping you understand how you work, play & rest best (and ... it's not about hustling harder or getting more shit done!)
  • Spotting where triggers of imposter syndrome show up for you
  • Illustrating where you are most prone for burnout + exhaustion
  • Understanding where you absorb the greatest conditioning (this is especially critical to understand for projectors)
  •  Highlighting what healthy relationships look + feel like for you
  • Mapping out where your key leadership markers are and how to  activate + amplify your unique leadership love language

In this 3-month mastermind, I will show you how to embrace ALL aspects of your beautiful and powerful Projector-ness ... so that you can lead aligned AF from your authentic truth and integrity!

YES! I am ready to play full out in this 3-month container

Benefits of this mastermind

Highlighting the power and magic of engaging in this work


Making Human Design Simple


Human Design can feel dense and overwhelming. It can lead you down rabbit hole after rabbit hole, if you let it. 

I provide tangible, real-life resources to help you simplify and integrate this information, thus allowing you to make more aligned, correct decisions for you. 


Community Engagement


Because it is so easy to lost in the study of Human Design, it also can feel rather isolating ... especially as a Projector.

I have found that the discovery process is far easier and much more enjoyable when you can engage in this work with others. 

In creating an interactive and engaged community, we are able to accelerate and amplify our understanding and growth. 


Becoming Aligned AF


It's not about trying to find yourself or search for your purpose. It's not outside of you. You're not lost, nor are you broken. 

You simply have forgotten who you truly are and the magic that makes you ... YOU.

This is your pathway back. It's your foundation for becoming aligned as f*ck and for living fully, authentically as YOU.

What's included in our 3 months together?


Monthly training on specific content to help you as a Projector

Over 3 months, we will dig deep into the key foundational elements of your Human Design chart. When you really understand these elements, you path to becoming aligned AF becomes clear. Just understanding these core pieces can be a significant game-changer.

Here's what we will be covering in each session:

  • Session #1: Exploring Your Role As a Projector + How to Engage in a Generator World
  • Session #2: Understanding Your Innate Superpowers + Magic, and What Might Take You Out
  • Session #3: Successfully Preparing for Your Role as a Visionary Leader + Guide
  • Bonus Call: TBD

Group Dynamic

Monthly LIVE group calls to engage in rich discussions + application


Group sessions are designed to deepen your contemplation and integration the topics for each month.

Through open, engaged, and interactive discussions, Q&A, and "hot seat" coaching, you will be able to fully immerse yourself into the content for direction application into your life and leadership. 

LIVE Group Call schedule:

  • Tuesday, March 26, 2024 from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM CT
  • Tuesday, April 9, 2024 from 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM CT
  • Tuesday, April 30, 2024 from 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM CT
  • Tuesday, May 14, 2024 from 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM CT

Note: dates/times may change per the collective group's schedule. We will lock this in on the first call.

First session: Tuesday, March 26th at 6:00 PM CT

Individual Coaching

Monthly 1:1 with Candy directly for greater accountability + integration


In order to create even deeper integration and accountability, you also get a 30-minute 1:1 coaching session with Candy directly. 

You will be given a link, once you register, to get your calls set up when they work best for you. 

Your Investment for this 3-Month Mastermind


(payment plan option in checkout)

What you'll receive:

  • A sacred, safe, intimate container to be full seen, valued, and activated into the fullness of who you truly are
  • An engaging, dynamic, powerful live mastermind call to spark rich discussion and application learning from each other
  • Recorded training sessions on Human Design fundamentals from a Projector's perspective in how you work, rest, and play best, and in how you lead best
  • 1:1 calls with Candy for greater integration for real-life application each month
  • Private training portal & group community for ongoing discussion &  support
  • Additional resources & tools to support you as a Projector and as a visionary leader

(replays will be available - lifetime access)

Can't Wait ... Sign Me Up!


Testimonials from clients

It's truly such an honor to work with these incredible, beautiful souls.

Here's what Tina shared ...


"I’ve taken Candy’s last three classes on human design, abso-freaking-lutely extraordinary!

I learned so much that is having an immediate, direct impact on my leadership style, how I’m managing my time and energy.

And, it’s even transformed how my husband and I have conversations ... it’s glorious!"

Amy had this to say ...

"Things make so much more sense now that I understand how my Human Design has helped me make decisions in the past.

Having this clarity to help me make decisions in the future is going to be a game changer for myself as a leader and my team.

I feel more empowered to step into my strengths and be a stronger leader - which I knew I could be but I wasn't clear on exactly how to go about it until meeting with Candy."

Jeff was excited to tell his story ...


"Candy is a passionate leader who is highly skilled at uncovering hidden potential and self imposed roadblocks. She brings her extensive background and education to the table, but in way that is easy to understand.

My Human Design Foundational Reading with Candy was remarkable. The exercise gave me goosebumps and opened my eyes as she explained things about me that only I knew and about items that I could not explain well myself. It was a deep dive and a rewarding one."

Fabienne experience was uplifting ...


“I just wanted to let you know that if ever you need a Human Design Reading, please connect with Candy Barone.

Last week, I had my first Human Design Reading with her and I learned many things that I can definitely implement daily.  I left the call uplifted and happy about what I discovered about myself.

Also, the call was filled with empathy and kindness.  Plus, her passion for this topic is through the roof! Candy, all this to say... THANK YOU!!!”

Nice to meet you!

I'm Candy, a 6/2 Emotional Manifesting Generator 

I am a heart-centered soul guide and transformational leadership expert. I'm a multi-passionate, multi-potentialite, who doesn’t fit in any box, who dances to the beat of my own drum, and is a force of light, love, sassiness, truth and wonder.

I am a tree shaker, time bender, square-peg-in-a-round-hole, change catalyst, and I am a force truly here to disrupt things, stir shit up, and flip some fuckin' tables.

I absolutely love guiding and working with thought leaders, light warriors, and creatives to help them access, activate, and amplify their purpose, passion, unique gifts, and voice.

I truly believe one of my greatest gifts is my ability to light a fire under people so they can light the fire within.

Your Investment for this 3-Month Mastermind


(payment plan option in checkout)

What you'll receive:

  • A sacred, safe, intimate container to be full seen, valued, and activated into the fullness of who you truly are
  • An engaging, dynamic, powerful live mastermind call to spark rich discussion and application learning from each other
  • Recorded training sessions on Human Design fundamentals from a Projector's perspective in how you work, rest, and play best, and in how you lead best
  • 1:1 calls with Candy for greater integration for real-life application each month
  • Private training portal & group community for ongoing discussion &  support
  • Additional resources & tools to support you as a Projector and as a visionary leader

(replays will be available - lifetime access)

Can't wait ... I'm in!