$111.00 USD

Include My Customized Human Design Foundational Summary Report


Get your customized Human Design Foundational Summary Report, in addition to your reading with Candy.


You can expect to receive your report within one week of purchase.


Upgrade for additional $47

Human Design Foundational Chart Reading with Candy

Access the fundamental elements of your unique Human Design chart, the operating plan of YOU.

You will learn:

  • how you make decisions best
  • how you work, rest, and play best
  • what triggers imposter syndrome for you
  • where you are prone to burnout
  • identifying key leadership markers

What People Are Saying:

Things make so much more sense now that I understand how my Human Design has helped me make decisions in the past. Having this clarity to help me make decisions in the future is going to be a game changer for myself as a leader and my team. I feel more empowered to step into my strengths and be a stronger leader - which I knew I could be but I wasn't clear on exactly how to go about it until meeting with Candy.