$11.00 USD

Include My Customized Human Design Foundational Reading


Get your customized Human Design Foundational Reading with Candy. Understand the fundamental elements of your unique Human Design Chart:

  • how you make decisions best
  • how you work, rest, and play best
  • what triggers imposter syndrome for you
  • where you are prone to burnout
  • identifying key leadership markers


Upgrade for additional $111

Human Design Cheatsheet: The Channels

Access the language + energy of the Channels in your Human Design chart.

This cheatsheet will provide you:

  • Overview of the 36 Channels + the Gates that create them
  • Highlights on specific personality characteristics + behaviors
  • Understanding on how your energy plays into your overall life experience

What People Are Saying:

I scheduled a reading after a friend was raving about her experience with Candy. And boy, am I glad I did! Candy is brilliant and her energy is contagious. She described her own integrated approach to Human Design (after what has been clearly a tremendous amount of research and study) and explained the concepts in a practical and useful way. It was unreal how my reading aligned with my life experiences, my understanding of myself, and my unique challenges. I found the reading to be extremely validating, normalizing, reassuring and tremendously helpful in giving me tools to identify relationships and work that are aligned with my soul's purpose and my holistic wellbeing. If you crave a deeper understanding of yourself or direction in your life or work, I highly recommend any opportunity to work with Candy Barone