Aligned AF Human Design for Revolutionary Leadership

Awaken, activate & amplify the power of your unique leadership voice.


Bringing in the language and energy of Human Design, Gene Keys, Quantum Human Design, and the Success Codex to elevate the conversation and consciousness around transformational and thought leadership.

Through using the power of our Human Design we can build compassionate, aligned AF, sustainable teams, cultures, organizations, and communities.

Your Human Design

Access your unique energetic blueprint for FREE


We all have an innate wiring that is all our own, as well as a Soul Curriculum and Purpose we are here to live out.

Your Human Design Chart (aka energetic blueprint) illustrates the alignment map, or operating plan, of "how" you best make decisions, lead powerfully, engage in the world, interact with others, and work, rest, and play. 

Access Your Human Design Chart for FREE

The Narrative You Tell Yourself

Human Design gives you access the keys to reframe + rewrite your story. 


When you understand your Human Design, you're able to:

  • Access greater knowledge, richer experiences, and pathways for healing
  • Step forward to truly disrupt your current narrative + limiting beliefs to create a narrative that is more expansive + aligned
  • Engage in real courageous, connected conversations with your family, friends, teams, and clients using expansive, uplifting leadership language
  • Build unbreakable bonds with the soul family you called in for yourself
  • Create meaningful impact, intentional influence and sustainable change
Click to Access Your FREE Human Design Chart
Get a Foundation Human Design Reading Here for $297

"Don't die with your music still inside." - Wayne Dyer

Where Do I Start My Human Design Exploration?

I have several different ways we can work together to begin (or deepen) your Human Design exploration, depending on where you're at. 

If you are brand new to Human Design, I do suggest that you start with a foundation reading first ... as an understanding of the core fundamentals is key to accessing the full potential and magic of your specific nuances and additional aspects in your chart. 


Click Here to Access Your FREE Human Design Chart + Summary Report
Click Here to Get Your Foundational Human Design Reading for $297

Human Design Leadership Markers + Career Chart


In this 90-minute session, you will Identify key leadership markers  along with your unique coding, superpowers + leadership voice.

In this session, you will receive:

  • Deep dive into your key leadership markers
  • Your unique Human Design Career chart
  • Specific leadership language for your unique coding

Investment: $497 USD


YES! I Want My Leadership Markers + Career Chart

Human Design Optimal Nutrition Reading


In this 90-minute session, tap into your unique energetic blueprint for your nutrition and wellness path.

In this session, you will:

  • Align your unique nutrition coding to your wellness strategy
  • Understand the nuances of what truly is healthy for your body
  • Access specific nutrition,  wellness + renewal markers

Investment: $497 USD


YES! I Want Human Design Optimal Nutrition

Human Design Connection Chart


In this 90-minute session, we will map out how your energy works in relationship with your business, partner, team, client, or your child (select one relationship / connection per reading).

In this session, you will receive:

  • Human Design charts for both individuals. or one for you and one for your business
  • A separate Connection Chart that maps out the synergistic energy between you
  • An understanding of where your combined energy is powerful, and where potential conflicts might exist
  • Strategies on how best to communicate, be in partnership and/or work together
  • Tools to help with conflict resolution and to create greater harmony within the relationship

Investment: $497 USD


YES! I Want My HD Connection Chart Reading

Human Design Success Codex


In these two (2) 90-minute sessions where we will explore your unique business genius. In each session, you'll learn how you best operate in business and career to set yourself up for greater success. 

In these sessions, you will explore your:

  • Session #1 (internal focus): 
    • Transformation Path: what you need to move your business through challenges & cycles of change
    • Balance Path: what you need to create sustainability internally while you run your business
  • Session #2 (external focus):
    • Impact Path: what you are here to create & impact; how you show up & create visibility
    • Growth Path: illuminates the areas of idea clients, abundance, brand awareness, and capacity

Investment: $997 USD


YES! I Want My Human Design Success Codex

Human Design Leadership Bundle


In this 3-session bundle, we will identify key leadership markers and pathways to access and amplify your natural energetic coding, superpowers + leadership love voice.

The three sessions (90 minutes each) are laid out as follows:

  •  Session #1: Success Codex  (internal focus): 
    • Transformation Path: what you need to move your business through challenges & cycles of change
    • Balance Path: what you need to create sustainability internally while you run your business
  • Session #2: Success Codex  (external focus):
    • Impact Path: what you are here to create & impact; how you show up & create visibility
    • Growth Path: illuminates the areas of idea clients, abundance, brand awareness, and capacity
  • Session #3: Select from one of the following:
    • Connection Chart between you and your business, team member, partner, client, or child
    • Leadership Language to use for messaging + copy (I will bring Gene Keys into this session)
    • Map out your Key Leadership Markers + Career Chart
    • Optimal Nutrition Assessment to create a wellness plan for greater focus, ease, and impact in the work you do

Investment: $1,297 USD (a savings of $197 versus purchasing each option separately)


YES! I Want My 3-Session Human Design Leadership Bundle

The Aligned AF Duck Pond

Looking for a powerful, engaged, interactive community of heart-centered, aligned AF, soul leaders? Come join us at the Pond!


Let's face it, we're all ducks ... well, at least some of the time. You see, we may look like we have our shit together, but for most of us, we actually do so while our legs are going a mile a minute under water. 

Yet, somehow we keep going. This is why I created the Pond ... to provide a revolutionary, transformational community where aligned AF leaders (aka ducks) could come together to create powerful ripples of impact ... together!

This monthly membership community is actually a movement ... a space for us to do the integrated work and lean into our Human Design, Gene Keys, and Quantum Human Design to create better leadership alignment and to awaken, activate, and amplify our unique leadership voices. 

Your ducks are waiting ... go ahead, jump in ... the water is magical!

YES! I Want to Jump into the Pond!

"The best gift you can give to yourself is full permission to be all of YOU and live your life aligned AF in radical authenticity." - Candy Barone

Client Insights + Testimonials

I've been blessed and humbled to work with some amazing souls over the years. 

Kaitlyn had this to share ...

“Candy is truly a sensational Human Design expert.  Her knowledge and expertise on my chart helped me understand so much more about myself both personally and professionally. Some of the information she shared has been revolutionary for my day to day life. 

For example, learning that I have an undefined root chakra has helped me integrate more balance into my life.  Without this knowledge, I may have continued down the path of consistent burnout. 

Now I have the awareness to recalibrate.  I know my husband and my family are grateful for that! 

The best thing we can do as business owners is understand ourselves and working with an expert like Candy can help us cut to the core of who we are in just a matter of hours! 

Now that is priceless."

Jeff was blown away ...

“Candy is a passionate leader who is highly skilled at uncovering hidden potential and self imposed roadblocks. She brings her extensive background and education to the table, but in way that is easy to understand.

My Human Design Foundational Reading with Candy was remarkable. It was a deep dive and a rewarding one.

The exercise gave me goosebumps and opened my eyes as she explained things about me that only I knew and about items that I could not explain well myself.“ 

Joyce raved on her reading ...

“I scheduled a reading after a friend was raving about her experience with Candy. And boy, am I glad I did! Candy is brilliant and her energy is contagious. She described her own integrated approach to Human Design (after what has been clearly a tremendous amount of research and study) and explained the concepts in a practical and useful way.

It was unreal how my reading aligned with my life experiences, my understanding of myself, and my unique challenges. I found the reading to be extremely validating, normalizing, reassuring and tremendously helpful in giving me tools to identify relationships and work that are aligned with my soul's purpose and my holistic wellbeing.

If you crave a deeper understanding of yourself or direction in your life or work, I highly recommend any opportunity to work with Candy."

Diamond's leadership bundle was transformational ...

"Candy has been so instrumental to me finding the clarity I've been searching for within one-size-fits-all approaches that I've experienced with other coaches. Her Leadership bundle has helped me understand the nuances of my energy and how to enhance my visibility by doing what comes naturally to me.

I also appreciate how she can see when you're too in your head and encourages you to lean into sacral sessions (for generator types and sounding board sessions for non-energy types).

It's a beautiful process where she asks questions rapid-fire style to help you tap into your sacral response or create space for your to come to your truth through open ended questions (specific to your energy type) I’m excited to continue to work with her.

This bundle was only the beginning.”

Check out Barb's deep dive experience ...

“As someone who just completed Candy ’Barone’s Human Design Leadership Bundle, I urge you to run, not walk, to take advantage of this for you and your business, too. 

These sessions helped me understand soooo much more about my business, myself, and how both work together, plus so much more. In the process, she helped me feel very seen and heard!

Candy is a powerhouse of HD information and application. And, when combined with her Leadership expertise, I've received next level & actionable coaching and support!

After years of living life and running my business from my conditioning, I feel a freedom and assurance to run it (and live it) as I've always felt drawn to do... and to trust my instincts. Rest assured that this bundle is fully worth it. If this is a match for you, give yourself this gift of knowledge and jump in!"

"There are no extra pieces in the universe. Everyone is here because she has a place to fill, and every piece must fit itself into the big jigsaw puzzle." - Deepak Chopra

You're a Once-in-a-Lifetime Cosmic Miracle 


Each of us is a once-in-a-lifetime cosmic miracle and a unique piece of the Cosmic Puzzle. In fact, the Universe would have to completely rearrange itself if you were not on the planet at this moment in time.  

Meaning, you have a unique gift you are here to offer the world. It's not suppose to look like anyone else's path. You are here to blaze anew ... to pour your magic and light into the world. 

In accessing and understanding your Human Design, you will gain clarity on:

  • The role you are here to play in the world
  • How you are here to serve those who need your gifts
  • What you need to support your own wellbeing

Human Design helps us shift our focus from achievement and accomplishment to one of satisfaction, fulfillment, joy, and peace, allowing us to lead ourselves and create a life that aligns with our true purpose.

I invite you to discover your Human Design.

Explore the nuances of your own chart, understand your innate wiring, and embark upon a journey of self-discovery. The more we understand ourselves, the better we can engage, connect, and collaborate with others to reshape our personal narratives, and live a life aligned AF with our true essence and purpose ... thus, shifting consciousness.


Want to Dive Even Deeper

Activate Your SOUL Purpose + Get Clarity on Your Strategic Vision Via My Proprietary Dynamic D.R.E.A.M. Roadmap 


In this 3-month 1:1 activation container, you will gain insights you need to understand how to activate your unique human design map and energetic blueprint. You will also get a customized Life Script, and Quantum Life Purpose Script, created for you personally to open up higher level access to your desires.

You will be guided through my proprietary framework, tools, strategies, and coaching to bring your vision, design and SOUL's purpose to life, to open up greater access to more joy, fulfillment, freedom, peace, and prosperity!


YES! I Want to Activate My Soul Blueprint!