Did you know you actually have a specific coding for your career path? It’s true, your innate energetic wiring is designed to assist you in unlocking and activating your specific business and leadership genius.
It’s simply a matter of how.
That’s where the Success Codex comes in.
You see, this is a radically new resource that has just become available. It is an extraction based in Human Design that maps out specific markers, or planetary aspects within your chart, and draws upon the nuances and energies of the gates assign to those key aspects.
It’s the language for your unique business and leadership wisdom.
Inside this cutting edge tool, you have the opportunity to explore four Success Paths, along with 13 Gateways, that reveal your unique gifts. Each aspect illustrates a pathway to build sustainable success and growth, whether you are an entrepreneur, business owner, leader, or in transition.
It’s a customized playbook designed just for YOU.
It’s designed for you because it comes directly from you. It’s a deeper and more focused examination of your wiring, your coding, and your operating plan. It’s an energetic blueprint aligned with the definition in your chart.
This Success Map (Codex) highlights ways for you to unlock greater potential, visibility, impact, abundance, and sustainability. It also guides you in how to address transformational change, and the pivots that help elevate you to your next level in your business, career, and leadership.
This extraction provides a tangible and practical approach to your business and leadership by offering accessible language for real-life applications.
The four success paths consist of 13 gateways that illustrate different domains of success. Derived from the conscious, or personality side of your chart, these aspects correlate to the individual gates activated within your design that map to the expression of your unique Soul Purpose.
Stemming from the core master Keycode of your Conscious Sun, these four success paths have their own context and interpretation. Much like the extraction of the three sequences in Gene Keys, these four paths provide detailed insight into what correct and right alignment for you looks like.
Success Path #1: Impact
The Impact Path is an external focused path illustrating how you create greater visibility and impact in the work you do. It’s a function of how you show up in the world. It represents your leadership personality and personal and business branding.
This path maps out the alignment for the expression of your truest Self.
In addition, this pathway highlights what you are here to teach and communicate, or share, with those who are truly meant for you. It’s the impression you create and light you shine into your work. The Impact Path is the portal for your innate leadership, and how you can assert yourself as an authority in your chosen field of study, niche, or industry.

Success Path #2: Growth
This Growth Path is also an external focused pathway. This specific Success Path shows you how to best foster growth in the areas of resources and resource management. It shows you how you attract the ‘right’ clients to you, and highlights your capacity to receive and hold ‘more’.
The Growth Path is the key to activating greater prosperity and abundance.
Also, it offers valuable insights into how you best create brand awareness and establish the language for aligned sales and marketing. This pathway provides you a strategy to grow your business with ease and release any need to hustle. It’s about what is feels expansive for you and in your work.

Success Path #3: Balance
This Balance Path is one that is internally focused. It’s provides the understanding around how you best create sustainably within yourself first, and then in your business, work, and leadership.
The Balance Path provides an internal compass that allows you to gauge how best to ground yourself in the work you do.
It also connects you powerfully back to your core ‘why’ and Soul Purpose. The Success Path offers information around how best to build supportive structure for your work and business, as well as identifying when you are out of balance, or when you deviate from your innate why and purpose.

Success Path #4: Transformation
The last Success Path is also an internally focused one. As we experience the need for change and evolution, the Transformation Path outlines what you need to move through those transitions, and how to maneuver the necessary pivots, easily, powerfully, compassionately, and gracefully.
It shows you where you have opportunity to break down barriers getting in your way, where you can give yourself further permission, what needs to die, and what can be rebirthed.
The Transformation Path opens up a realm of new potential and unlimited possibilities so that you can take greater initiative for greater impact. It’s all about stepping into your own power, awareness, and next level. The Transformation Path showcases the way to 10x and beyond.

As you can see, there is some serious power in what we can learn about ourselves and our work when we explore the inner coding that lives in our own energetic blueprint. In taking time to delve into the inner working of your unique Human Design chart, in addition to the specific mapping of your Success Codex, you can create a radical shifts in how you choose to show up, how you choose to serve others, and how you choose to take personal responsibility inside those two spaces.
Imagine if you created the work that aligned fully with your Soul Purpose and allowed that to be the light you choose to shine into the world. Imagine what would we truly be possible and the level of impact you could create and share with those you are meant to serve.
Because, ultimately leadership is a choice.
When we choose to lead ourselves first from the lens of our own authentic truth and alignment, remembering who we really are, the business and career side of things simply take care of themselves.