Mentoring the Next Generation: Cultivating Future Leaders with an Entrepreneurial Mindset

by candy barone Mar 13, 2024

As we look to the future, and our own wellbeing and sustainability, one thing remains certain: the trajectory of our world rests in the hands of our emerging leaders and youth. The importance of mentoring these young minds and nurturing an entrepreneurial spirit cannot be overstated. 

Yet, in our approach to guide the next generation, I wonder if we are asking them the right questions? Or, are we stifling their creativity and ideas?

It’s crucial that we delve deeper into the fundamental shifts needed in our approach to guiding and nurturing these young minds. For, we have an opportunity to really redefine both success and leadership for our future development and sustainability. And, if given the chance, our youth can powerfully shepherd us along an more expansive pathway in that quest.

Rethinking the Question

The conventional question posed to most children is the classic, age-old: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” 

I personally despise this questions, as what we fail to recognize is this inquiry is that is carries with it the implication that their worth lies solely in their future achievements and who they “become,” diminishing all sense of value in the present moment. It stifles their ability to dream bigger. 

We often lose sight of the collective genius and curiosity our children bring to table that can truly shift perspectives, help us see around the blind spots, and prompt the questions many of us are too fearful to ask. 

Their innocence and view of the world holds so much potential. 

In fact, as a side note, I strongly believe that every board of advisors, every executive team, every organization, and every community would do well to invite youth into their meetings. It’s startling and incredible what children see in those environments. And, if we are open to really listening, the elephants and sacred cows in the room can be addressed much faster. 

But, I digress … (I’ll come back to in another article)

So, instead of fixating on future endeavors, accomplishments, and an outdated model of success, let’s broaden the conversation to encompass more expansive and thought-provoking questions such as:

  • “How do you want to serve?” 
  • “What challenges or problems do you want to solve or address?” 
  • “What are you most passionate about?”
  • What do you want to create or inspire in the world?”

By reframing the dialogue, we empower our youth to view themselves as agents of change capable of making meaningful contributions to society now, regardless of their age or experience. We let go of some arbitrary notion that a checklist of accomplishments or degrees are required in order to bring value into the world. 

We give them permission to ask bigger questions, to dare to dream, to play, to generate new ideas, to innovate, and to begin evolving in their own leadership, as a result. In that, our children then stop trying to seek a sense of purpose or value outside themselves, as they begin to acknowledge that they are purpose, and of great value in who they are right now. 

Think about we can create a shift away from feeling like you’re not enough, that you need to prove your value somehow, the need to seek external validation from others, or that there is a prescribed path you must take, to one where our children feel empowered to be who they truly are, to show up fully as themselves, and to evolve in the gifts they are here to share. 

Imagine how powerful our future could be, when we give our children opportunity to shine their light right now. 

I urge you to consider that now is the time to pivot our perspective. Instead of focusing on what they want to become (as if they are not a valuable person now) and what they want to accomplish (such as a degree or certain type of job), let’s shift the dialogue to how they want to serve, what problems they aspire to solve, or what they envision creating in the world. 

Let our children activate, access, and amplify their voice today. Stop thinking we need to wait until they are ready somehow. For our youth are coming equipped with a higher sense of emotional intelligence, empathy, compassion, and grace. They are bringing a higher level of leadership and consciousness … we simply need to give them space to share those gifts. 

The world needs the perspective of our youth. We are craving a new lens in which to view what’s truly possible in the world. The energy and dynamics of how the world will operate is changing, and we need the enlightened leaders who are here to guide us equipped with what they need to shine. 

By reframing the narrative, we empower our children to recognize their own significance and ability to contribute to the world, and instill in them a sense of purpose that transcends traditional career paths.

Embracing Creativity and Innovation

If you look at our current environment and culture, we are entrenched in rapid technological advancement and unprecedented global challenges. As such, adaptability, resilience, creativity, and innovation have emerged as invaluable currencies and tend to reign supreme. 

Yet, these qualities are often stifled by traditional educational models that prioritize rote memorization over real critical-thinking and exploration. We need to, instead, foster a deeper, richer, more open culture of curiosity, wonder, and awe — qualities often associated with children but crucial for meaninging change and sustainable success as adults. 

By creating spaces where children are not just seen but truly heard, valued, and uplifted, we open the pathway for a new set of ideas and perspectives. Gone are the days of the antiquated adage that children should be seen and not heard (something I heard far too often growing up). 

Instead, let’s embrace the idea that the voices our our youth and emerging leaders hold the key to unlocking real meaningful, transformative change.

In preparing the next generation for success, we must create environments that nurture wonder, encourage experimentation, and celebrate failure as a stepping stone to growth. By embracing a culture of lifelong learning and embracing the innate curiosity of children, we lay the groundwork for a future driven by innovation and progress.

Investing in the Future

Whitney Houston famously proclaimed that “the children are our future,” and truer words were never spoken. These words serve as a poignant reminder of the collective responsibility we bear in shaping the trajectory of generations to come. In listening to more of her iconic lyrics, we note:

I believe the children are our future.
Teach them well and let them lead the way.
Show them all the beauty they possess inside.
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier.
Let the children’s laughter remind us how we used to be.

And, as a coach of mine told me: “Play like the cosmic three-year old on the adventure.” — our opportunity for greater fulfillment, satisfaction, peace, and delight stems from our own ability to remember how to play. It’s in our laughter, and the exuberance of our youth, that we redefine success. 

Investing in our youth is not just an altruistic endeavor — it’s an imperative for the survival and advancement of our society — it’s an economic necessity and a strategic advantage. 

By equipping young minds with the tools, resources, encouragement, and support they need to truly thrive, we unlock a reservoir of untapped potential and possibility, thus, positioning ourselves for long-term prosperity, abundance, and greater overall success.

 So, what exactly does this investment on our part entail?

Enter the power of mentoring — a cornerstone of personal and professional development that often flies under the radar and isn’t given the props it deserves. Though, perhaps, it’s because we’ve either lost sight or lack a proper definition of what good mentorship is really all about. 

Redefining Mentorship

At the heart of creating space for the next generation to feel empowered lies the concept of mentorship — a dynamic relationship that extends beyond mere guidance to one that encompasses support, inspiration, and mutual learning. Note, I said mutual learning.

Yes, real mentorship means you are open to learning from those you are guiding as well as offering them direction and support in their own development. The power of mentorship lies in the exchange, itself. 

Yesterday, I was able to experience the power and magic of this as I was mentoring a client’s 11-year old daughter in marketing her business. This saavy budding entrepreneur created a pet care business and sought me out for some guidance of how she could elevate her visibility and gain new clients. Working with her was truly joyful. And, while I assisted her in what she wanted to created, the vision was all hers. I learned as much from her in our time together as she was able to glean from me. After a full day of client calls, it was truly the highlight of my day. 

While formal mentorship programs certainly play a vital role in this process, mentorship can also take on myriad of forms, from informal relationships with teachers and community members to peer-to-peer support networks. Regardless of the structure, the essence of mentorship lies in nurturing relationships and providing a safe space for individuals to lean in and fully explore their passions, develop their skills, and navigate the complexities of the world around them.

Mentoring is more than just imparting knowledge or providing guidance; it’s about forging meaningful connections, fostering growth, and instilling confidence in the next generation. It’s also about cycle of reciprocity, and allowing yourself (as the mentor) to receive guidance and input, as well. 

As I mentioned above, with the girl I mentored yesterday, I was truly astonished with vision and sense of clear direction. She knew exactly what she wanted to create, and how it should look. My role was just to provide access to the tools to help her bring her vision to life. She knew her path. 

Mentors serve as beacons of wisdom, offering insights gleaned from their own experiences while encouraging mentees to chart their own course. It’s a symbiotic relationship built on trust, respect, and mutual understanding.

Yet, despite its undeniable importance, mentoring still remains an underutilized resource. We need more mentors — individuals willing to share their expertise, offer support, and champion the aspirations of young minds. Transformational leaders who are willing to be vulnerable, open, heart-centered, and who come from a deep place of service.

We need leaders who are willing to listen, really listen, to help our youth map out and navigate their own journey, not a prescribed one dictated by our societal norms, often through a barrage of shoulding and shaming. 

When we heed the call for real mentorship, and recognize its power to uplift the emerging leaders behind us, we then are able to effectively challenge the status quo, reimagine new possibilities, and empower our children to seize their place as architects of constructive change. 

When given the opportunity, and done from a desire to serve, the impact of mentorship reverberates far beyond the individual mentee, shaping the trajectory of entire communities, organizations, and industries.

I am always amazed at how much I actually receive back in those symbiotic and synergistic relationships, where there is a beautiful exchange of energy and reciprocity in the knowledge and insight shared. 

By committing ourselves to the task of mentoring the next generation with intention, compassion, and foresight, we can abolish outdated paradigms, embrace the transformative power of curiosity and innovation, create systems that truly serve the collective, and offer spaces where young minds are valued, heard, and empowered to realize their full potential. 

As We Move Forward

By cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset and fostering a culture of mentorship, we not only invest in the future but also pave the way for a more inclusive, equitable, and resilient society — one where every individual has the opportunity to thrive and make their mark on the world.

We lay the foundation for a beautiful, expansive, and sustainable future brimming with promise, potential and endless possibility.

Together, we can embark on a more deliberate journey of mentorship — one where guidance meets inspiration, and where the dreams of today become the realities of tomorrow. 

After all, the future belongs to those who dare to believe in it. And, I believe to the depths of my soul that the children truly are our future. 

Looking for ways to level up your own leadership to become a stronger mentor for our youth? Be sure to grab a copy of my free guide: How to Be a More Effective Leader to give some tools for better alignment. 


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