Nourishing Yourself: A Deep Dive into Understanding Your Unique Human Design Determination

by candy barone Feb 22, 2024

Did you know that how we consume our food and information affects our overall alignment and how we manifest? There actually is a “right” way to nourish our bodies. And, it looks different for everyone. 

It’s known as your Determination and it also tends to be where we hold some of our deepest conditioning. 

For example, Projectors and Reflectors tend to like to eat and consume information alone and really be present when they do. Manifestors also like to eat alone and control their environment, along with what they eat. Generators and Manifesting Generators tend to eat more when lit up and burning a lot of Sacral energy. 

While those with a defined Solar Plexus tend to emotionally eat. This can be misaligned and incorrect for them. Over the long term, it can also be quite harmful for them if they’re not careful and aware of this tendency.

Your Determination tells you how you’re meant to eat and digest food, as well as information, properly. In your Human Design chart, this is represented from both the Primary Health System and the Variables (the four arrows represented at the top of your chart).

Your specific Gates and Channels also affect various nuances in how you eat, digest, and consume information. Let’s take the Format Channel energies, for instance. If you have Gates 42 & 53 (which also creates a Channel), for example, ample healthy fats are really good for your system. Gates 3 & 60 (another Channel), you tend to crave more sugar and carbs. If you have Gates 9 & 52, you will need a higher intake of protein. 

For me, I know this to be very true. With two of the three Format Channels (42–53 and 9–52), I do best with a lot of healthy fat and protein (more paleo or ketobiotic in nature) diets and lifestyle. Too much sugar and carbs shuts my system down and makes me feel sick and very tired.

Your determination shows you how to best align with your ideal body type, optimal health, well-being, and ultimately, what living in looks like for you.

Human Design Overview

In the realm of alternative wellness and self-discovery, the Human Design system has gained popularity for offering insights into our individual characteristics and tendencies.

One fascinating aspect of Human Design is the integration of the Primary Health System, which aims to provide a unique approach to understanding and optimizing our well-being based on our specific design.

Human Design synthesizes ancient wisdom and modern science to create a comprehensive system that combines elements of astrology, numerology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and the 9-center Chakra system, along with Quantum Mechanics and Epigenetics. 

This metaphysical approach offers a blueprint for understanding our unique qualities, potential challenges, and optimal paths in life.

The Human Design Primary Health System:

At the core of the Human Design system lies the Primary Health System, a framework that delves into the six types of Determination. 

These Determinations are believed to influence our physical, mental, and emotional well-being, providing insights into how we can align ourselves with our unique design for a healthier and more fulfilling life.

In the world of Human Design, understanding your unique design extends beyond personality traits and behavior patterns. 

The Human Design Primary Health System delves into the intricacies of our physical and mental well-being, offering insights into how we process not only food but also information. 

In this exploration, we will uncover the 12 types of determination (within six categories), each linked to specific appetite characteristics and learning preferences. As you will see, we are not all meant to eat, digest, or take in information in the same way.

#1: Appetite — Consecutive and Alternating

In the realm of digestion, Consecutive and Alternating appetites dictate how individuals process food and information. 

Consecutive eaters thrive on simplicity, consuming one type of food at a time — think of it as a “caveman” diet. You don’t vary much in your diet. 

Similarly, when absorbing information, these individuals benefit from a step-by-step approach, avoiding overwhelm by focusing on one subject or topic at a time. Variety is not the spice of life for you, per se. 

  • Consecutive: This is one of the toughest determinations because you’re really only meant to eat one ingredient at a time. It’s a very selective way of eating. You do best to eat on a routine or schedule, as it’s not good for you to fast or go long periods without eating. Try sitting down to eat with a plate of your favorite food items, making sure not to mix the foods together. Remember, one ingredient at a time is best for you.
  • Alternating: Like consecutive determination, you’re really only meant to eat one ingredient at a time. You do like flexibility with meals, however, so it’s okay for you to fast and not eat consistently. You probably like to graze a small amount at a time throughout the day. Depending on your specific Type, you may prefer to eat on the go and to not have a routine or schedule around how and when you eat.

#2: Taste — Closed and Open

Taste preferences extend beyond simple culinary choices to also encompass information digestion. 

Closed taste types thrive on routine, preferring the same foods repeatedly. In the realm of information, they have set patterns and habits. On the other hand, Open taste types flourish when sharing food and welcome variety. 

Your information digestion mirrors this preference, adapting well to changing patterns but maintaining a habitual approach.

  • Closed: You are extremely selective eaters, often choosing a repetitive of the same foods over and over, at least for a period of time. You know what you like before you even try it, as you have a sense about what feels good to your body and system. You do best eating intuitively, and seasonally. Fasting can be really good (and easy) for you, as you can be flexible with when and how often you eat.
  • Open: These individuals are similar to those with closed determination, as these people like routine meals and are selective eaters who know what they like and will stick to it once they find it. Fasting tends not to be ideal for them, as they need to be eating routinely and on a schedule.

#3: Thirst — Hot and Cold

The temperature of food matters for Hot and Cold thirst types. 

Hot individuals benefit from consuming foods warmer than body temperature, while Cold types prefer cooler options. 

This concept can be applied to information as well, where the optimal temperature determines the ease of assimilating new knowledge. Finding the right balance is crucial for both physical and mental well-being.

  • Hot: You need to eat foods that are at or above your body temperature because your digestion tends to runs cold. You need lots of warm or hot liquids in your diet, as well. You would do well with very hot showers and/or hot climates. Fasting is not really your jam, as you need to eat consistently and routinely. You like structure to your eating schedule.
  • Cold: You need to eat foods that are below your body temperature because your digestion tends to runs hot. You need lots of cool or cold liquids in your diet, as well. You may also benefit from cold showers and/or cold climates. You do well with fasting, as you tend to prefer to eat intuitively and inconsistently.

#4: Touch — Calm and Nervous

Touch determines the environment you need for healthy and correct digestion, whether of food or information. 

Calm touch individuals require a serene atmosphere and may find solace in eating alone. In contrast, Nervous touch individuals need activity and stimulation — such as socializing, watching TV, or even moving around — to facilitate better digestion and overall well-being. 

Understanding this type enhances both the eating and learning experience.

  • Calm: You need to be able to determine the atmosphere in which you are eating. You prefer to eat alone or in quiet environments. It can also be highly beneficial for you to pick and prepare your own food. Fasting doesn’t work well for you, as you need to eat consistently and routinely.
  • Nervous: You need to be able to determine the environment in which you are eating. You like to have a lot of things going on around you while you’re eating, such as in busy places and lots of conversation. It can also be highly beneficial for you to pick and prepare your own food. You may do well with fasting as you need to eat intuitively and inconsistently. You also need to make sure you don’t overeat.

#5: Sound — High and Low

Sound preferences influence how you process both food and information. 

High sound types thrive in a noisy environment, benefiting from music or background chatter. In contrast, Low sound types prefer quietness, using noise-canceling earbuds to minimize distractions. 

This distinction extends to eating habits, where High sound types may snack frequently. Low sound types might opt for one substantial meal.

  • High: You do well to eat where this is a high volume of sound or noise going on around you. You like to either listen to music, have the TV on, or being engaging in conversation with others. It is not recommended that you fast or go long periods without eating, as you really need to eat on a regular schedule and routine.
  • Low: You will do well to eat where this is a low volume of sound going on around you. You like quiet environments. If there’s too much sound or noise, you may feel overstimulated and like you are not able to focus on eating or digesting your food. You might find you do well with fasting and to go long periods without eating, as you may even eat less than a “normal” person and really should not overeat.

#6: Light — Direct and Indirect

The sensitivity to light dictates the optimal time for digestion. 

Direct light individuals thrive during daylight hours, while Indirect light types find their peak in the evening. This sensitivity extends to the consumption of both food and information. 

Direct types benefit from daytime learning and eating, while Indirect types may find nighttime to be their prime period for these activities.

  • Direct: You need to eat in direct light, and/or when the sun is up. You don’t do well eating at night or in the very early dark morning hours. It’s best is you eat consistently and routinely throughout the day. You are meant to go to bed on an empty stomach. You probably won’t do well with fasting or going long periods of time without eating. You will likely eat more in the summertime (months with more sun) and less in the wintertime (when it’s darker out).
  • Indirect: You need to eat in indirect light or while the sun is down or it’s cloudy out. You aren’t usually hungry during the day, and if you are, you tend to prefer liquids only, or lighter foods like soup, salad, or fruit. If you do eat a heavier meal during the day, in direct light, you’ll probably get tired quickly. You are meant to go to bed on a full stomach, so eating at night is your jam. You do well with fasting and going long periods of time without eating. You likely will eat more in the wintertime (when it’s darker longer) and less in the summertime (when there’s more light).


You Determination offers a unique lens through which you can explore you personalized approach to digestion and information assimilation. 

By understanding which of these twelve types of Determination you have, you then can tailor your lifestyle to better align with your inherent design. As a result, you are able to promote greater overall well-being and a harmonious balance between your physical and mental health. 

Want to learn more about your Human Design, you can access a suite of resources here: Human Design Tool + Resources

You can also schedule a reading, for a deeper exploration: HD Foundational Reading with Candy Barone


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