7 Strategies to Combat Chaos When You're in the Middle of the Storm

by candy barone Oct 26, 2023

As transformational leaders, entrepreneurs, parents, role models, business owners, and humans, we often find ourselves face with moments of setbacks, hardship, and even … crisis.

The chaos and disruption can feel like it comes out of nowhere, knocking us off our game, and knocking out our focus. 

When this happens, it can be...

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Why We Need to Stop Using a Cookie-Cutter Approach for Learning

by candy barone Oct 25, 2023

In a recent post, I talked about how I think standardized tests are both biased and they don’t offer a full picture of a child’s potential, as they only assess one way of learning … which is linear and logical. 


Not everyone is a linear...

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How Linear and Systemic Thinking Leaves You Feeling Insecure and Stuck

by candy barone Oct 24, 2023

I used to think that something was wrong with me. You too? 

As a kid, I found it extremely difficult to focus on one thing. Mind you, this was long before we started classifying everyone with ADHD. In my classes, while I was a good student, I often found myself bored or distracted. 

I often felt restless, antsy, agitated, and that...

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How to Become Aligned AF: Start By Decoding Your Unique Energetic Blueprint

by candy barone Oct 23, 2023

It was 5.5 years when I was first introduced to Human Design. I was coming back from a pretty intense, and rather deep, spiritual retreat that I took place up in Vancouver.

I was excited to bring back some of what I had experienced during my time up with the trees, among other transformational leaders, where I began to tap into a newfound...

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When I Take Care of Me ... All Is Taken Care Of

by candy barone Oct 22, 2023

I’m guessing you might be a little triggered by the title. Because perhaps, you immediately got a sense of “that sounds so selfish” and it’s just another influencer out there stressing it’s all about “me, me, me.”

But, stay with me for a moment … as I want you to consider something. ...

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A Journey with Journaling: Navigating Your Inner Resistance

by candy barone Oct 21, 2023

To be perfectly honest, sometimes the thought of journaling overwhelms me. I find I am afraid. Afraid to put pen to paper. Afraid to uncover my truth. Afraid to really see myself. Afraid to find out what I truly need, what I really desire, and what is being asked of me.

It has me feeling paralyzed with where to even start. Should I say,...

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3 Questions You Need to Be Asking In Order to Stand Out

by candy barone Oct 20, 2023

To say the world, and just about every industry, feels a bit over-saturated is probably a mild understandment. It doesn’t matter what market you play in, it seems the traffic and noise are, at times, a bit overwhelming. 

I think about Roger Wayne and W. Chan Kim’s book, Blue Ocean Strategy and how many people are still...

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Energy Is Everything: Why You Need to Be the Conductor

by candy barone Oct 19, 2023

In Physics, we learn that a conductor is the material, or vehicle, in which electricity (a form of energy) travels. Metals (e.g., gold, silver, and copper) being among the best types of conductors. 

Conductors allow for electricity (energy) to move easily. 

Meaning there is little to no resistance in the movement of electrons...

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Root Down to Rise Up: Why It's More Than a Yoga Mantra

by candy barone Oct 18, 2023

“Root down to rise up.”

If you practice yoga, you may have heard this common phrase a few times, as most yogis and many spiritual teachers find this to be a mantra, or instruction, for how to live one’s life. 

But, what does it really mean? And, why should you care?

I personally love this expression, and felt a deep...

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The Writer's Toolbox: 5 Ways to Spark What to Write About

by candy barone Oct 17, 2023

At the end of September, I made a commitment to myself. A promise, really. I decided that in order to get back to my writing on a regular basis that I would commit to writing 90 articles over 90 days, consecutively. 

As I am approaching Day #23, I decided to share my declaration with my community, as I wanted to ask for their...

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Learn how to masterfully navigate your chart with ease, make sense of the fundamentals, and simplify how to use your chart as a powerful resource in your life and business.
Decode Your Design Launches in October 2023