Opening to Grace: Part II - Power of the Pivot

by candy barone Oct 11, 2021
Let’s talk about the shit show that was the last 18 months …
As I mentioned before in my last blog post, I really struggle sometimes with being vulnerable and sharing aspects of my personal life. I tend to opt to keeping my vulnerability “in check” by discussing both my business and professional experiences only...
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Opening to Grace: Part I - Personal Journey Home

by candy barone Oct 11, 2021
It’s hard for me to share my personal life sometimes. I have carried with me great shame, guilt, fear and anxiety about being judged in telling my story, and in sharing the trials and tribulations I have found myself going through.
Sometimes the fear shows up because I have to acknowledge my role in the situation, or take...
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The Intersection at Pecan Park: A Miracle & Moment of Grace

by candy barone May 02, 2021
There are moments ...
Moments where real miracles are presented to remind us to practice gratitude, to remember what's most important, and to lean into a space of deeper compassion.
Moments of grace.
I had a moment like that a few weeks ago, on a random Wednesday night as I was coming back from my Camp Gladiator...
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Be Your Own Soul Mate!

by candy barone Feb 14, 2021

Happy Valentine's Day.

Three little words ...

For some, today is a day to celebrate a powerful connection with another who elevates and enhances your life. A partner, who sees you, gets you, and chooses to share life's every day moments with you. It's that recognition of feeling love's embrace all around you.

And, it's a celebration you get...

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Honoring the Legacy of MLK

by candy barone Jan 16, 2021


3 Ways to Pay Meaningful Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

This past year has been tumultuous, challenging, eye-opening, disheartening, encouraging, hope-filled, disparaging, heartbreaking, educational, and every other adjective I can think of. 

In the middle of a pandemic, we also found ourselves face-to-face with the ugly...

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Bringing the Blessings of 2020 Forward ...

by candy barone Dec 31, 2020

2020 was a challenging year, no doubt ... it had far more downs than ups, and rocked our world on multiple levels. 

While this past year has been challenging on every level, there still are many blessings we gained that we can bring forward into the new year. 

Getting my New Year’s Eve on ... warm, cozy pjs, streaming Blue...
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How I Learned to Say YES to Myself

by candy barone Nov 02, 2020

I spent years trying to be what everyone thought I should be ... in fact, I lived a good portion of my life trying to fit into a certain box, trying to be something I wasn't.

That is ... until I hit rock bottom. 

I was successful. I was living the corporate dream and climbing the ladder to MORE ... more recognition, more...

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My Take on Meditation & Mindfulness

by candy barone Oct 17, 2020

Sitting still has always been really hard for me. Just ask my mom. Lol!

I've struggle with everything from slow flow types of yoga to traditional forms of meditation. I actually used to even shame myself for not "getting it right" when I would try these types of classes.

I wanted to learn, yet it never fully took. I then had a...

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Learning to Love My Body

by candy barone Oct 07, 2020
I’ve hated this body. I’ve punished this body and robbed it of love. I’ve pushed this body too hard to the point of exhaustion, where I’ve caused it unnecessary harm.
I’ve spent a long time loathing and despising this body. I wasn’t shaped like the other girls. I had more curves, more muscle. I...
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Creating Resiliency in the Face of Chaos

by candy barone Mar 16, 2020

As emerging leaders, entrepreneurs, parents, role models, business owners, and humans, we often find ourselves in moments of setbacks, hardship, and even ... crisis. 

When this happens, it can be easy to get caught up in the downward spiral of the negative, in what feels as if it is happening to us, rather than remembering that all life is...

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Are you curious about Human Design and want to understand your unique operating manual?
Join the waitlist & be the first to know when this 
5-week virtual masterclass is open for enrollment
Learn how to masterfully navigate your chart with ease, make sense of the fundamentals, and simplify how to use your chart as a powerful resource in your life and business.
Decode Your Design Launches in October 2023