Happy Valentine's Day.
Three little words ...
For some, today is a day to celebrate a powerful connection with another who elevates and enhances your life. A partner, who sees you, gets you, and chooses to share life's every day moments with you. It's that recognition of feeling love's embrace all around you.
And, it's a celebration you get...
This past year has been tumultuous, challenging, eye-opening, disheartening, encouraging, hope-filled, disparaging, heartbreaking, educational, and every other adjective I can think of.
In the middle of a pandemic, we also found ourselves face-to-face with the ugly...
2020 was a challenging year, no doubt ... it had far more downs than ups, and rocked our world on multiple levels.
While this past year has been challenging on every level, there still are many blessings we gained that we can bring forward into the new year.
I spent years trying to be what everyone thought I should be ... in fact, I lived a good portion of my life trying to fit into a certain box, trying to be something I wasn't.
That is ... until I hit rock bottom.
I was successful. I was living the corporate dream and climbing the ladder to MORE ... more recognition, more...
Sitting still has always been really hard for me. Just ask my mom. Lol!
I've struggle with everything from slow flow types of yoga to traditional forms of meditation. I actually used to even shame myself for not "getting it right" when I would try these types of classes.
I wanted to learn, yet it never fully took. I then had a...
As emerging leaders, entrepreneurs, parents, role models, business owners, and humans, we often find ourselves in moments of setbacks, hardship, and even ... crisis.
When this happens, it can be easy to get caught up in the downward spiral of the negative, in what feels as if it is happening to us, rather than remembering that all life is...