Promises and Commitments: The Power of the Will Center

by candy barone Dec 06, 2023

Do you realize only 37% of the population is wired for commitment. That means 63% of the population isn’t wired that way. 

Seems kind of weird, doesn’t it?

Yet, it’s true … at least when we explore Human Design and seek to better understand how we make commitments, promises, and even our habits … and more importantly, how we are wired to keep them. 

While only a small percentage of people are set up for long-term commitments, the majority of the population isn’t. Meaning we have an opportunity to shift everything we know, and all that has been conditioned, as the pathway to our success.

Now, don’t get me wrong, it’s not that the other 63% can’t make promises or commitments, it’s just that how they do that is often very different from the way we have been taught. These individuals simply do not have consistent access to willpower, making it extremely tough to keep promises and make lasting commitments that stick just for the sake of keeping a commitment. 

Those, however, with a define Will (or Ego) Center will find they can make promises and commitments easily. And, that they have access to consistent willpower to see those commitments through to completion. They also tend to be equipped at creating new habits and sticking with them, as well. 

This is not the case for most of us, myself included, as we have what’s referred to as an open or undefined Will Center. Meaning, we do not have consistent access to willpower energy. In fact, we absorb and take in this energy from others and amplify it, often leaving us feeling like we have to prove something, especially when it comes to our own sense of value. 

For those of us with an open or undefined Will Center, we are here to become wise about the commitments and promises we make, and the agreement we enter into with ourselves or others. We also have a natural , built-in bullshit detector that signals to us which promises from others feel empty and seem bogus, inauthentic, and/or misaligned.

Since we do not have consistent access to willpower energy, we then need to align our commitments and promises to our compelling “why” … essentially, meaning we need to be able to connect-the-dots. 

For me, this means I need to have it connect to my passion (the energy connected to my Emotional Solar Plexus) and sense of purpose or direction (my G or Identity Center), as the agreements I make for myself need to feel like they are aligned to the overall outcomes I desire. 

A deliberate practice, commitment or promise (even to myself) will fizzle out in a matter of days if it’s not connected to something of greater meaning for me, as discipline for the sake of discipline is truly not my jam. 

This is true for anyone who has an open or undefined Will Center. 

Of course, with the caveat, that something else in their wiring doesn’t indicate a need for discipline and structure, thus those elements then create the energy of staying the course in order to have a more active approach to how they engage with commitments and promises.

For instance, they may have specific gates defined, such as Gate 5 for example, that will override this. They also may find that they may have a need for more structure depending on the direction of their arrows (or variables) that can be found on the top of a Human Design chart. 

In general, without these outliers, those with an open or undefined Will Center will need to connect their commitments and promises to the decisions that feel right and correct for them, connecting them back to a bigger, more compelling why, as a result. Even when you have these outliers, that likely still will be true. 

Let me break this down into a more simplified understanding:


Making commitments and promises with a defined Will Center

If you have a defined Will Center in your Human Design chart, you have consistent access to willpower energy. You can enter into commitments and promises easily, effortlessly, and naturally, as you have the ability to maintain a consistent approach or discipline to see those commitments and promise through to completion. 

Though you have access to consistent willpower, you still need to align your commitments to the right things. One of the challenges for you is that you can exhaust resources on the wrong things, thus creating a sense of burnout. You also tend to forget that you need consistent cycles of rest to replenish your resources, such as time, money, and the energy you have available for a specific commitments. 

While it’s easy to create a commitment, you need to slow down to ensure that the commitment is the right one and correct one for you. Otherwise, you risk overextending yourself and creating habits and promises that are either purely egoic, or that don’t serve you or others at the highest level. 

Reminder: not all commitments are yours to make, nor do you have the resources available for every commitment. There’s an opportunity for you to be more discerning in what you commit to, and to structuring your environment to create consistent cycles of rest in between commitments. 


Making commitments and promises with an open Will Center

If your Will Center is either open (meaning no defined gates) or undefined (you have one or more defined gates, but no defined channels), then you do not have consistent access to willpower energy. It can feel challenging to keep the promises and commitments you make, so you must be careful and conscientious when making and entering into those agreements. 

You do not naturally have the resources available to see those promises and commitments through to fruition on the basis of the agreement alone. You risk burning yourself out in trying to prove your value in the process. 

It then becomes very critical that you only make commitments aligned to a deeper, more compelling why. You need to make sure you are making decisions based on your Authority and that you can connect-the-dots to why this commitment will move you closer to your desired outcomes. It then becomes more a mindset of creating deliberate practices that allow you access to the thing you are actually wanting to manifest. 

Reminder: you do not need to prove anything. Your promises and commitments are sacred, and you need to understand the bigger picture and why you are entering into these agreements before you do. You also are really good at recognizing the empty promises or misaligned commitments of others. Trust your bullshit meter so that you don’t overcommit. 


This all comes back to understanding you innate wiring, and your individual Human Design. There are many nuances that play into effect, as you may find you don’t fully resonate with what you see portrayed in your Will Center. This is simply a place to start. 

Human Design is complicated. And, it’s the entirety of the chart that tells the story of you. It’s only when we break apart the components and begin to understand the intricacies of each element separately that we can then put the pieces back together to reframe and rewrite our story. 

Telling your story matters. You are a once-in-a-lifetime miracle. And, you are a specific piece of the overall Cosmic puzzle. Once you know who you are, and how you best operate, you can share all that with the world. 

Understanding your unique gifts and how you are wired gives you the tools to better navigate life and how you can truly become aligned AF and express the fullness and truth of who you are. Are you ready?

If you would like guidance to better understand your Human Design chart, and understand the foundational elements in a simplified, practical way, I invite you to schedule a reading of your chart with me. You can access a 1:1 with me directly by clicking here: Human Design Foundational Reading


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