There's a Big Difference in Knowing Your Design and Actually Living It.

by candy barone Feb 06, 2025

So, I was on a call today for a masterclass I am participating in where we were discussing how to create content that aligned with your own design. 

This masterclass, lead by the brilliant Vickie Dickson (another Level 4 Quantum Human Design specialist, and someone that if you don’t know of her work, you really should), and I had...

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Human Design Gate 13: Retelling the Story of You and Tapping into the Power of Forgiveness Along the Way

by candy barone Feb 05, 2025

Gate 13 carries a storytelling energy of listening, collecting stories and experiences, and retelling those stories back. 

It also carries with it the energy for forgiveness.

Gate 13 Overview

The born listener, those with Gate 13 defined have the innate ability to listen deeply with empathy and hold sacred space for others to share...

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The Juxtaposition of Being Visible: Which Fear Do You Carry and How Is It Impacting You in Using Your Voice?

by candy barone Feb 03, 2025

Ever wonder why some people naturally attract and draw people to them like moths to a flame, while others seem to be invisible?

Every notice how some people can command a room simply by their energy or the moment they open their mouths to speak?

While, on the other hand, others seems to be performers who will do just about anything to...

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Investing in Understanding Human Design: Beyond a New Age Fad; It’s a Powerful System and Tool

by candy barone Feb 02, 2025

At a networking event last month, I overheard two business coaches excitedly discussing Human Design. They had recently come across a social media post and were enthusiastically swapping insights.

‘I’m a Manifestor!’ one of the coaches declared confidently, while rattling off a list of traits that were associated with...

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Human Design Gate 19: Balancing the Gift of Being a Sensitive Soul Without Sacrificing Yourself in the Process

by candy barone Jan 29, 2025

Gate 19 brings an energy of service and aligned interactions with others. This gates asks us to attune to our needs first, followed by that of the community or tribe. It’s a deeply sensitive and empathic gate. 

Gate 19 Overview

This is a gate I know particularly well, as it lives in three of my Human Design gates (unconscious...

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Human Design Gate 41: Activating the Power of Your Imagination and Being the Patient Dreamer

by candy barone Jan 23, 2025

Gate 41 marks the beginning of the Human Design (or Rave) New Year when the Sun transits into this position. As this new solar cycle commences, our fantasy mind begins to play in the pool of possibilities.

Gate 41 Overview

What we begin to tease out in our imagination has the potential to manifest into our own reality, with patience and...

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Rest & Restoration: Why We Need to Carve Out Space to Cocoon for 2025

by candy barone Jan 08, 2025

Our old adage for starting the New Year needs to shift. Despite what we’ve been told and is plastered all over social media, it’s not the time power up, start new projects, or drive from the energy of “new year, new you.”

In fact, we actually need to do the exact opposite. 

Because we are in a season of...

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The Body Really Does Keep Score

by candy barone Jan 07, 2025

Sometimes, as light warriors, wayshowers, revolutionaries, and transformational leaders, the mission and work can be hard. Especially in light of the energy in the world these days.

The mind, body, and spirit can take a huge toll, as a result. 

It can be difficult to stay detached and removed from all the external noise …...

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Venturing Back to My Own Vitality

by candy barone Jan 06, 2025

I am not someone who likes to start over. In fact, I really despise it, and I really resist it. Yet, here I am … starting over (once again). 

Two years ago my world got turned inside out.

Not only did I lose my sweet Payton Wrigley unexpectedly in a blink, menopause came raging in completely kicking my ass.

All on the heels...

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Beyond Resolutions: A Human Design Approach to New Year Intentions

by candy barone Dec 26, 2024

Did you know 92% of people who make New Year’s Resolutions will fail to achieve them before the end of the year? 23% of them quitting by February!

According to research published by Forbes and Drive Research, 62% of people feel pressure and expectations to set New Year’s resolutions, while 45% of Americans actually make them....

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Learn how to masterfully navigate your chart with ease, make sense of the fundamentals, and simplify how to use your chart as a powerful resource in your life and business.
Decode Your Design Launches in October 2023