The Wisdom of Human Design Doesn't Elude the Humanness of Our Journey as Transformational Leaders

by candy barone Apr 23, 2024

Today, one of my dear friends and Human Design mentors shared a powerful, vulnerable post, sharing some behind-the-scenes glimpses, where she has gone against her own design, and has fallen into old patterns and limiting cycles, despite her wisdom. 

Her honesty demonstrated how self-awareness allows her to be a better teacher and...

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Strategies to Destroy the NOISE - Part 5: The Limiting Effect of the "E"

by candy barone Apr 20, 2024

There are ways to call more abundance to you, and to make your dreams a reality more and more every day. But, first you need to address the limiting effect of the “E” in NOISE that is holding you back in big ways.

For the Excuses that Your Create and Perpetuate serve as an anchor to your higher purpose. It’s the ultimate...

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Strategies to Destroy the NOISE - Part 4: The Suffering in the "S"

by candy barone Apr 18, 2024

Oh, the suffering we inflict upon ourselves with all the shoulding (and shaming) we get sucked into: 

“I should go to college and get that degree. I should apply for that job. I should date or marry that person. I should start having kids now. I should be tougher and not be so emotional. I should know better. I should settle down....

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Strategies to Destroy the NOISE - Part 3: Oh, the Mighty "I"

by candy barone Apr 17, 2024

We live in a culture that continues to demand more and more. We find ourselves spiraling in perpetual cycles of frenzied hustle and increased levels of pressure to get things done. 

In addition, we get sucked into social media and the comparison game, where we measure our worth against some arbitrary metric of success we have bought...

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Strategies to Destroy the NOISE -  Part 1: Let's First Unpack the "N"

by candy barone Apr 15, 2024

Do you ever think about the power of the words you choose? How they can impact your business, your life, and the outcomes you desire?”

Let’s take, for instance, you intentionality when meeting with a client or prospect? Or, perhaps a first date? 

Usually you focus entirely on the outcome so you rehearse what you want to say...

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Tried and True Clichés, or Are They: Why Your Favorite Sayings Might Actually Be Holding You Back

by candy barone Apr 13, 2024

Have you ever thought about the mantras, affirmations, and cliché sayings we tend to mumble to ourselves or proclaim out loud? These maxims for how we are suppose to live our lives. Think about it for a minute, from an early age, we get taught these sing-song types of mottos and expressions.

Whether by our parents, grandparents,...

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The Significance of 'Going Yard' in Baseball, Business, and Leadership

by candy barone Apr 09, 2024

What does it mean when someone says to “go yard”?

‘Going yard’ is a slang term used in baseball to describe hitting a homerun, when a batter hits the ball out of the playing field and over the outfield fence. The phrase is often used to describe a particularly impressive homerun, one that travels a great distance or...

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Eclipse Energy and the Hangover Period: What to Do Now?

by candy barone Apr 08, 2024

Unless you live under a rock, and even then I’m sure you were aware that the Solar Eclipse passed through the world today. Whether you felt affected by it or not, the Eclipse brought with it some powerful energy. 

And, I can already hear all the skeptics shrieking at the thought of the all this woo-woo, mumble jumble. I assure you...

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There's Nothing Weak About Crying: Why Cathartic Cleansing Is Highly Underrated for Leaders

by candy barone Apr 04, 2024

When it comes to leadership, we often think that emotions are a sign of weakness. The traditional archetype of a leader often is one defined by an embodiment of stoicism, resilience, strong demeanor, and an unwavering facade, leaving little room for emotional expression. We have been taught and conditioned to believe that these are admirable...

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